How To Hack Your Hangover

New Years Eve is coming up and I thought this would be the perfect time to talk about alcohol.

Personally, I don’t really drink. Drinking makes me tired and not feel so good the next day, even if I have just one drink, but I am also trying to detox from mold exposure and heavy metal toxicity, so I am very protective of my liver and want to do everything to keep my body's toxicity levels low. In other words, my biological template probably isn’t as strong as most of yours reading this post.

Before you even start, choose the alcohol that has the least hangover problems. That means distilled, clear, unsweetened, uncolored spirits. Vodka, Everclear, tequila, gin, whiskey. Those things are generally on the more positive side of things because all you have to do is deal with alcohol toxicity. It’s already been filtered through activated charcoal and it’s been distilled. Those are purification steps.

When you get to the middle of this spectrum you get these sweetened, high-fructose, artificially colored, light-blue colored alcohols because it’s all random chemicals put in there. Now you’re dealing with the extra load of that sugar and the other crap that’s in there, which is not so good for you!

If you are going to drink wine, pick a nice dry white French wine which is relatively low in the other toxins, however, red wine and then beer are documented to be high in ochratoxin A which is a toxin that directly affects your kidneys and your bladder... this is one of the mold toxins that I'm trying to detox for a very long time now and it is not as easy as one would think to get mycotoxins out of your body. Ochratoxin A is linked to cancer in kidneys and bladder and it is such a common mycotoxin.

One of the reasons that you feel crankier after drinking alcohol is that you’re drinking unfiltered yeast when you drink those types of alcohol and European standards for red wine are very different from American standards. Trust me, I'm from Europe :)

One of the reasons that you feel crankier after drinking alcohol is that you’re drinking unfiltered yeast when you drink those types of alcohol and European standards for red wine are very different from American standards. Trust me, I'm from Europe :)

Ok, so how do you mitigate the effects? 🥂🍺🍷

-Hydrate heavily (one glass of water for every drink you have ideally near the same time)

-Before you take each drink, take a Vitamin C capsule which is really an interesting way of creating glutathione in the liver

-You can also take liposomal glutathione

-Take activated charcoal (I would take this immediately after you are done drinking as alcohol absorbs very quickly so if you take your charcoal much later it won't do as much good to mop up all the toxins. However, don't take charcoal with other supplements at the same time. So take your Vit C/glutathione before or during and charcoal after!

Thank you @herygerhardt for submitting this question on Instagram.

(DM me on Instagram your biohacking questions @biohackerchick)  I hope these suggestions help :)  

To learn more about hangover hacks checkout this podcast episode on Bulletproof Radio.